Demolition Service in Chester: A Comprehensive Solution from Sandbach Commercial Dismantlers

Our demolition service in Chester is the premier solution for your industrial and commercial demolition needs. Founded in 1985, Sandbach Car & Commercial Dismantlers, now known as Sandbach Commercial Dismantlers, offers comprehensive demolition services.

Why Choose Our Demolition Service in Chester?

We have a long-standing history of delivering cost-effective solutions for plant dismantling, demolition, and site clearance. Our commitment to delivering services safely, on time, and within budget sets us apart from our competitors.

demolition service in Chester

  • We offer a complete package of services, from initial site survey to the final clearance.
  • We also provide skip hire services to maximize productivity and efficiency.
  • Our team is experienced and well-trained, equipped to handle projects of any size.

Since 2005, we have been seeking scrap on a larger scale and introduced demolition services. This move has allowed us to cater to larger demolition projects, making us one of the fastest growing independent Demolition Contractors in the North of England.

  1. In 2006, we started using online auctions to widen our scope for ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
  2. The first overseas scrap purchase was made in 2007, creating good working relationships with companies in mainland Europe and Scandinavia.

Our company, based in Cheshire, operates throughout the UK and Europe. Over the past 34 years, we have consistently provided our clients with cost-effective solutions to their plant dismantling, demolition, and site clearance needs.

At Sandbach Commercial Dismantlers, we are proud of our ability to adapt and respond positively to our clients’ changing needs. We maintain excellent working relationships with all our clients, ensuring their satisfaction and trust in our services.

Our focus is on the future, as we continue to expand our services and reach. We look forward to serving you with our top-notch demolition service in Chester.