It’s always a good idea to thoroughly inspect an automobile before you scrap it to make sure you aren’t leaving anything crucial out. And occasionally, those checks can produce some unexpected findings. Scrap car traders have discovered some amazing items inside vehicles that were headed for the graveyard over the years. Here are just a few instances of the incredible items that have been discovered in vehicles destined for junk.
- A diamond ring—In 2018, a salvage auto dealer in England discovered a diamond ring inside a vehicle valued at more than $30,000. The previous owner had forgotten about the ring after it had been carelessly tossed between the seats.
- A man in Ohio who was destroying an automobile in 2020 discovered a time capsule inside. The time capsule offered an interesting window into the past by preserving letters, pictures, and other relics from the 1970s.
- A $1 million winning lottery ticket was discovered inside a car in 2017 by a Californian scrap car dealer. The previous owner had left the ticket in the vehicle, and it was about to expire.
- A rare antique car was discovered by a Frenchman in a garage that had been shut for 50 years in 2013. The car was unusual and old and was valued at over $1 million. The owner had hidden and forgotten about the 1956 Ferrari 250 GT.
- A live pet snake was discovered inside a car in 2019 by a Virginia junk car dealer. The dealer saved the snake from being crushed after it had been abandoned in the car by its owner.
Here are just a few instances of the incredible things that have been discovered in vehicles destined for junk. Even though not every find will be really valuable, it is always a good idea to properly inspect your car before getting rid of it. Who knows, you might just discover something amazing concealed there. And if you’re unsure of what to do with the object you find, think about consulting a professional or expert who can advise you on its value and the best way to handle it. After all, what one man considers garbage may be a treasure to another.